Patient Testimonials

Back Pain

“I have had back problems on and off for many years. Once in a while my back would go out, and it happened again last week. This was the first time I went to see an acupuncturist for my back, because I`ve heard a lot about what acupuncture can do for back pain. I was a little bit nervous going in. After the needles went in, I hardly felt them at all, but what I did feel was my back pain disappearing right away on the table! I had no idea it could work so fast! After my first treatment with Dr. Chiu, the pain was decreased by about 50%, and my back continues to feel better with each treatment.”

Brian H, 55

Bell`s Palsy

One afternoon, I started getting a headache. For some reason it didn’t go away with Tylenol like usual, and I got this strange numbness in my tongue. The next day, the left half of my face was paralyzed – I couldn’t close my eye, and the muscles around my mouth seemed dead. I went to my doctor and he diagnosed me with Bell’s Palsy, and said that sometimes it gets better, and sometimes it doesn’t. There’s no real effective western treatment for Bell’s Palsy, but they tried antiviral medication and Prednisone. Two weeks later, there was no change.  It was really frustrating – I didn’t want to go out or see anyone because I looked so bad, I couldn’t keep the food in my mouth when eating because my lips wouldn’t work, and I had to tape my eye shut at night to keep it from drying out.

After my first acupuncture treatment with Dr. Chiu, I could move my forehead muscles and see my wrinkles again. (I’ve never been so happy to see wrinkles!) After the second treatment I could close my eye again. After the third treatment, my eye was even better, and the left corner of my mouth started to move again. When this all began, I had no change at all for 2 full weeks, even with the western medicines. Right after starting acupuncture, I noticed a change right away, and after 4 treatments in one week, I am almost back to normal.

Philip J, 45


” I have had a constant nonstop headache, and it just kept getting worse. I was getting to the point where I was depressed and couldn`t imagine doing anything productive anymore. I went to see Dr. Chiu for acupuncture. After the first treatment, I didn`t see much change, but after the second treatment, I got a few hours of wonderful relief from a constant headache that had been there for 12 months! After each visit, I got longer and longer relief, and after my eighth visit, I was completely headache-free for about 10 days! I have hope of being functional again after being in pain for so long.”

Mary Y, 35


“After having tried for one and a half years with my husband to get pregnant, I came to Dr. Chiu to see if acupuncture could help. On the first treatment, he was very thorough with his interview and after pressing a few acupuncture points, he told me that one of my problems according to Chinese medicine was that my belly was too cold, and was not yet the nourishing environment that a fetus needs to be able to grow. He said that acupuncture could help, and that it would take about 10 treatments. As I received acupuncture treatments and faithfully took my Chinese herbal supplements, I noticed my belly gradually getting warmer week after week, and after exactly ten treatments, my pregnancy test was positive! Dr. Chiu has made an incredible difference in my life.”

Jill B, 39


My husband and I did an IVF cycle about 6 months ago that was not successful, and were really heartbroken. We decided to try again, and I went to see Dr Chiu a few weeks before my transfer. I heard that acupuncture can really help with infertility, and that with IVF that it can increase your success rate. Dr. Chiu recommended a few treatments for me before the transfer date, to prepare my body and mind. After these few treatments, I felt my lower belly getting warmer and softer. Dr. Chiu went in with me to the reproductive center, and did acupuncture treatments both right before and after the transfer to get the best results. I am now 8 months pregnant, and completely thrilled!

Emily S, 38

Jaw pain

My jaw has bothered me for years – clicking, stiffness, and pain. My doctor diagnosed me with TMJ. It was always pretty manageable, until suddenly last month, it became this searing pain that kept me from eating much at all. I had a bite guard made, and my doctor gave me prednisone for one week, but nothing seemed to work. I was about to go on vacation, and was worried I’d be in pain and wouldn’t be able to eat. After my first acupuncture treatment with Dr. Chiu, about 75% of my pain was gone, and after the second treatment, I could eat real food again! I have no idea how a needle next to my knee will take away my jaw pain, but hey, I don’t care. It works!

Karen F, 50

Leg Pain

I broke my tibia and fibula. Healing was slow and painful. It was about 8 weeks after my break that I decided to use acupuncture. Several people mentioned to me they used acupuncture. I had forgotten all about it. I used it years ago for whiplash. A friend of mine gave me Dr. Chiu`s card. I called. From the very beginning, service was great. He talked to my insurance and I made an appointment. Within 24 hours after the first appointment, my foot was less swollen, the coloring was better, the pain had lessened, and the foot did not feel as hot. I was able to sleep the following night without taking anything for the pain. I felt like I had hope that this was going to get better. After each treatment there was significant improvement. I would highly recommend acupuncture; I truly believe it made a tremendous difference in my healing. I am so much further along now because of acupuncture. Dr. Chiu is great! I trust him completely. He gave me hope!

Linda E, 54

Low back pain

I have a pretty strenuous construction job that puts a lot of pressure on my low back. Once in a while it gets pretty painful, and each time I go see Dr. Chiu. Two or three treatments later, I’m feeling much better, and can hold out for about 6 months to a year before it starts to bother me again. It’s a relief to know that Dr. Chiu will be there when I need him!

Roger F, 45

Low back pain and Pregnancy

“I herniated a disc in my lower back doing weight training ten years ago in college. I had back surgery, which helped a lot back then. Every now and again though, my back goes out. Then, I got pregnant – I was so excited, but a little worried that my back wouldn’t be able to handle all that extra weight. At about 20 weeks, things started to go bad. I was getting shooting pains down my legs, and I found Dr. Chiu. He got pretty quick results with the pain relief, and then he worked on the scar tissue from my old surgery, to improving the strength and flexibility of my low back. There were some minor pain flare-ups, but whenever I went in for a treatment, I left feeling much better.  Thank you Dr. Chiu for your help during my pregnancy!”

Cathy C, 30

Neck pain

“Once in a while, my neck kinks up and gets pretty stiff. Last weekend, after doing a lot of yard work, I woke up the next day and could hardly move because it was so painful.  For a few days, I couldn’t drive, couldn’t go to work, and couldn’t sleep because my neck would give me these shooting pains – all I could do was lay in bed and concentrate on not moving. I finally came in to see Dr. Chiu. Within about 20 minutes, I got about 40% of my range of motion back. By the end of the treatment, I was up to about 70%, and what was left was mostly stiffness, and not as much pain. By the end of the next day, and from only that one treatment, I was completely better and didn’t have any trace of neck pain. Thank you Dr. Chiu!”

Mike R, 34

Pregnancy Symptoms

“I went to see Dr. Chiu to help control some of my symptoms during my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy was really rough and I knew I had to do something to make this one better.  I’d had a LOT of nausea and vomiting towards the beginning, and some pretty severe swelling in my legs and feet towards the end. I had gained a lot more weight than I should have, and it took a long time for it to recover after my baby was born. I got pregnant again about 10 months ago, and have gone to see Dr. Chiu to help me manage some of the symptoms. My second pregnancy was much better – I only got mildly nauseous a few times, had no swelling in my legs and feet, and didn’t gain as much weight.  One month after a beautiful baby boy, I am recovering faster and have more energy despite having to look after both new baby and a toddler!”

Claire F, 39

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